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Criminal Defense Guide (Page 11)

What Do DUI Lawyers Do?

What Do DUI Lawyers Do?No one really sets out to get in trouble with the law, but still it ends up happening to many people every single day. One of the most common types of charges is a DUI, which stands for driving under the influence. It's quite likely that the person driving never meant anyone any harm, and often the person charged did not even realize they were over the legal limit and believed they were okay to... ❯❯❯

What Should You Do After An Uber Driver Accident?

It is of no surprise that Uber has completely changed and transformed the way people used to commute. It has allowed the people to travel within and around the city in no time with ease. Thousands of drivers roam around the cities and wait for the passengers to request a ride. However, it should be noted that Uber drivers are not professional drivers. They are just everyday people who try to earn... ❯❯❯

All you need to know about work-related power tool accidents

Power tools are a necessity for many industries as they are the most effective method of performing certain jobs quickly and effectively. However, power tools also pose a constant danger to the workers who operate them. In fact, nearly one million people are injured each year due to power tool accidents, and nearly 200 workers die due to them. In light of these alarming numbers, workers need to... ❯❯❯

Divorce - how to start, how to prepare?

When a decision is made to marry, marry ... wedding .... then a common future, children, home and family holidays are planned. Then you don't think about a possible breakup and divorce, let alone its conditions. However, the life and professional practice in law offices shows that nowadays more marriages fall apart - divorce than it was just a few or a dozen years ago. What are the reasons for... ❯❯❯

What To Do If You Are Charged With A Crime In St Charles Missouri

If you have been arrested and charged with a crime in St Charles, Missouri, you must follow certain steps and keep a few things in mind to ensure that your case is resolved in the best possible way.  It is not uncommon for people to go into panic mode at the point of arrest. This is because they know what lies ahead of them if they are found guilty of the charges against them.  Criminal charges... ❯❯❯

What to Do if You Are Arrested for Drug Crime in Connecticut

Different states of different countries have distinct laws that guide the prosecution of a wide array of crimes. These laws which are referred to as municipal laws may or may not go in accordance with international laws. Regardless of the municipal laws that have been set to curb crimes in a state, getting arrested for a drug crime is always a serious offense. It is punishable with extensive jail... ❯❯❯

6 Obscure Criminal Defence Cases

6 Obscure Criminal Defence CasesIf you find yourself looking for Alberta Criminal Defence Lawyers, you are certainly not alone. Many people need a criminal defender at some point in their lifetime. Some are falsely accused. Other defendants are guilty but try to work within their right to a fair trial.  Few cases are ever sensationalized. But some hit the public airwaves and develop a following because of their characters,... ❯❯❯

Been In A Multiple Vehicle Incident (Pile-up)? Here's What You Need To Know.

Have you been in a multiple vehicle incident and are unsure about what to do next? Accidents like this happen throughout life but the risks have to be taken into measure when something like this occurs. From examples like who has to cover the cost to what you should do if you caused the pile-up, this article will give you the rundown on what you should know.  Before that, if you are worried and... ❯❯❯

Can a Criminal Sue for Personal Injury?

Can a Criminal Sue for Personal Injury?Imagine you wake up one night to the sight of an intruder in your bedroom. They have a weapon, but you do too. They threaten you with their gun, but you pull your revolver out of your nightstand and fire first. He could have killed you, but instead he has filed a lawsuit. After threatening your life, he wants you to pay for his hospital bills. There have been plenty of cases where victims of... ❯❯❯

When Do I Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

A criminal defense lawyer can be the difference between freedom, severe penalties, and a jail term for criminal offenders. Criminal charges, either minor or major, are serious legal matters. The charges attract serious consequences and penalties, including jail terms, criminal records, damaged reputation, and more. Unlike other legal issues, criminal charges warrant professional legal advice from... ❯❯❯

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