
Home > Criminal Defense Guide

Criminal Defense Guide (Page 25)

The Truth About Choosing Criminal Defense Lawyers

When a person is charged with criminal defense charges, it simply means that a person is being accused of a criminal offense of any kind. A person charged with a crime is known as the defendant. Criminal defense comes into play when the defendant launches his petition to defend his case. However, proper criminal defense will not happen without appropriate representation in court. A criminal... ❯❯❯

How to Hire A Criminal Defense Lawyer

My practice is exclusively criminal defense. I speak to people everyday that are looking to hire an experienced, zealous criminal defense attorney. Generally, because of the nature of my practice, individuals who call me are in desperate or urgent situations and they are looking to hire someone who will do everything humanly possible to protect them or their family member. So, if you are looking... ❯❯❯

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