Having legal representation – especially in this day and age – is almost as important has having a physician or dentist that you can call in case of an emergency. Indeed, people seem more litigious and tort happy these days. However, hiring the services of a lawyer can be incredibly expensive. With legal fees, retainers and whole host of other costs, you are almost better off fending for yourself... ❯❯❯
Fraud comes in all shapes and sizes. Fraudulent scams against seniors have become more common over the last decade. In fact, according to the National Council on Aging, senior-targeted scams are now called “the crime of the 21st century”. Health insurance scams alone potentially count for $300 billion each year, according to the National Health Care Anti-Fraud Association. Because Medicare is... ❯❯❯
As of recent, many lawsuits due to hernia mesh complications have been filed. The reason being that the hernia mesh implanted, caused injuries and complications to the patient, hence disrupting their life. Here in this article we highlight the major points involved in a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Claim, including the grounds and the respective defendants according to the situation. What is A Hernia... ❯❯❯
Ending up in jail is definitely something we don’t plan on doing in our lifetime. But getting arrested can happen to anyone even if you are innocent! When this happens, you will do whatever you can to get out as soon as possible. This is why bail bonds can come quite handy in tough situations such as this. Should you get involved in something unfortunate with the law and you don’t have the cash... ❯❯❯
Automobile accidents are scary, possibly life-changing experiences. Even the most minor of collisions can leave you busy and stressed in its aftermath. It can be hard to know what to do after an accident. Between medical appointments, meetings with your insurance company, and legal proceedings, you’ll be thinking about that accident for weeks or even months. Key factors which can significantly... ❯❯❯
Sometimes we get ourselves into more trouble than we have hoped for. Although it might not be something that originally came to your mind while committing your said crime, but the law can often times get involved if what we did is bad enough to be taken to court. Once you get in trouble with the law for whatever reason big enough to go to court, it is in your best interest to get a reputable... ❯❯❯
Compared to other small vehicle accidents, the results of truck accidents are almost always devastating. In the aftermath of truck-related accidents, one of the best steps you can take is to enlist the help of a trucking accident attorney because accidents involving commercial vehicles are often very complex. Cases involving trucks or commercial vehicles require a great deal of knowledge and... ❯❯❯
If you are charged with soliciting prostitution, the potential legal ramifications are quite serious. For example, a former Las Vegas fire captain pled guilty to two felonies after he was accused of paying a teenage girl $300 to have sex with him at a fire station, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. The former fire captain pled guilty to one count of attempted statutory sexual seduction... ❯❯❯
DWI is properly abbreviated as driving while intoxicated. This is a situation in which a person is arrested for driving while being drunk. If you are also arrested for driving while being drunk or under the influence of drugs then the crime will be specified as DWI. The DWI crime is also stated as OUI (operating under the influence), or OWI (operating while intoxicated). The terms of state in... ❯❯❯
There’s a lot to love about California, especially the motorcycling. There may not be any finer place to ride in all of America. To get the most of your time in California on your bike, be sure to familiarize yourself with the unique laws that apply to motorcyclists in the state. Lane splitting Is lane splitting legal in California? Yes: in fact, it is the only state where it is legal. “Lane... ❯❯❯